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What is the best PHP user profile using pdo class?: Login and user profile system using PDO

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What is the best PHP user profile using pdo class?


Picture of Delawar shah by Delawar shah - 8 years ago (2016-02-07)

Login and user profile system using PDO

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I need a web page on which a user can login and upload a picture file to his own profile and display picture.

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1 Recommendation

tinyUGatMs: Manage users and groups of events in a database

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of zinsou A.A.E.Moïse by zinsou A.A.E.Moïse package author package author Reputation 5850 - 7 years ago (2017-07-20) Comment

tinyGatMs package is simple users and groups recurring access time management system. technolgies used: -PHP of course -MySql -AJAX(JAVASCRIPT) -HTML5 -for the css it's minimalist you will see what to do with that

Features: -Class for groups management(validation, creation, suppression) -Class for users management(registration, validation, creation, suppression) -Management area based on user's role, actually it is set on Admin allowed only(fully used of ajax only) -Users registration with ajax using PDO to connect to MySql *check of already used mail or already used username (ajax) *send of validation mail(ajax) -Users connexion with ajax using PDO to connect to MySql *check of username existence(ajax) *check of true password(ajax) *check of access time (ajax) with message to tell you when to connect if you can't at the moment you try. *not register? link *forget password link -Users password recovering page and reset mail sending using ajax *mail prompt *password changing after mail validation with unique id -Management of users *Edit properties like activation statut,role,password,group for access time etc... *Add a new user *Delete an user -Management of Groups *Edit properties like name,description,access time,access time recurrence,starting date to apply the access time, etc... *Add a new group *Delete an existing group.

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